I think my psychiatrist may be close to admitting me to the hospital again. This time it'd be because I can't freakin sleep. That and I'm manic as hell. :)
I'm really not looking forward to that if it's what comes to pass. That would be 3 times in the last 3 months. My pattern has always been about once every 2 years. This is getting ridiculous. February, March, and now April?
I wonder if I could fight it? I wonder if it'd be a 'voluntary only because I agree' admission or a truly voluntary one that is only if I want it. I wonder if there's any more he can do for me outpatient?
I get the sense that he's nearing the end of his repertoire. I hope not. I don't want to go inpatient again. I guess on the bright side, the doc at the hospital would finally realize that I'm not schizophrenic. LOL
The last two visits, she diagnosed me as schizophrenic, chronic paranoid type. I tried to tell them that I'm not schizophrenic, I'm bipolar with psychotic features. But it didn't get changed. My therapist likes to say that if I get a hair off-bubble from the middle that that's when I get psychotic. She's right. But I'm not psychotic now. Just manic.
I feel like I want to keep typing, but nothing else is coming up in my head, so I'm going to end this post and see what other trouble I can get into for the night. ;)
Best Radiator Heater
11 months ago
I'm bipolar too and find the spring weather changes send me rapid cycling.
Don't forget to get enough sun, music, creative time & eat well!
I am really enjoying reading your blog. Thank you!
I have borderline personality disorder, and my husband is bipolar. I think the Oklahoma weather here is enough to send anyone into rapid cycling. One minute it feels like summer, the next we're in a typhoon of rain and hail.
read this the day you posted it. hope you are alright. linked to your site from http://www.bulletproofsoul.info.
.......you think what you feel is real?......you think your emotions are real?.....you just made them up.
Wow how honest you are. I'm bipolar and suffering a mixed manic state (high and low at the same time). I'm touched by your blog and it's like reading about me. :)
hope things get better for you; that the past 6 months have been an improvement.
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