I want to write, but I'm not sure what to write about. I'm not doing too bad right now. I'm a bit on the manic flip side, but not too much. Mostly I'm starting a lot of different projects right now, along with planning several others to begin soon.
I don't want to sleep. I'm not really very hungry most of the time. I feel something, but I'll be damned if I can put my finger on it. I can't quite grasp it. All I keep thinking is something is not right. I don't feel stable.
I don't like this feeling. It's like waiting for something to happen that never quite does. I'm just so uncomfortable. This is unknown territory for me. I've always been able to describe how I feel, usually with an exhaustively long list of emotions. But nothing fits this time. I've never liked the unknown. It makes me edgy and anxious.
When I try to look back at my emotions for the last week, my memory isn't so good. I can't really remember specific feelings, just a general edginess.
I've never been a patient person and this mood is driving me crazy. I just wish something would happen already!
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